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Leire er i verdensrommet og i Norden- keramikkseminar


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Med utgangspunkt i Elisabeth von Krogh sin utstilling, virke, og bidrag til det keramiske feltet, ønsker

Agenda/KHIO, Kunsthall Grenland og Haugar kunstmuseum å belyse ulike deler av det keramiske feltet i Norden, da representert gjennom bidragsytere fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Finland/Sør-Korea. Vi ønsker å presentere et utvalg ulike praksiser og strategier som

sammen kan gi et videre utsyn, og innsyn, til det keramiske feltet i Norden og forbi.

From the vantage point of Mars, and based in Elisabeth von Krogh’s exhibition retrospektiv/prospektiv at Hauger art museum, her body of work, and contribution to the field of ceramics we wish to highlight different strategies and artists working within the field in the Nordic region, with contributions from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. This symposium will not be a complete and exhausted investigation into the field as a whole, but rather we wish to collect a set of distinct practices and strategies which together can provide a further insight, and broadening of the ceramic field in the Nordics. 


The symposium has a limited number slots for participation, and it will unfortunately not be possible to arrive on the day to Hauger to participate, but the symposium will be available through streaming.


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